the scam hound


ScamPup’s OriginsElitehost

What is this? Forced advertising? No. We love to complain, but sometimes credit is due.

ScamPup smilingScamPup’s origins is very much linked to support by Elitehost for an idea I had. Who is Elitehost? Let’s see ..


I ‘ve been using Elitehost’s services for my own daily personal hosting needs. In this time I saw Elitehost growing from a small company to what it is today, one of the flagship hosting providers. As somebody having worked in the IT industry from about the same time as IBM launching the first PC, growing through programming, hardware maintenance, systems administration, security etc, I was more than qualified to judge the service levels I was receiving. To say the least, the service was excellent. I was receiving some of the best service possible. Gremlins will be. No hosting provider is an island and the internet is just that. As such I silently smiled when the Elitehost team saw external issues that had or may affect their clients (incidentally addressing the very same issues for major corporates myself on another level), addressing them promptly to bypass any affect it may have on their clients, continuously enhancing the reliability of their service.

I was not the only client noticing this. It was with this attitude that Elitehost has earned a consistent 100% positive rating on HelloPeter:

Zero Abuse Tolerance

My initial contact with Elitehost was on an abuse issue. Anybody in any sphere even remotely linked to technology will know cyber fraudsters will always will try and abuse providers and from there launch attacks. This also has an impact on existing good upstanding clients as the network looses reputation. As such it was refreshing to see the abuse disappear off their services immediately and a polite thank you as soon as Elitehost was notified of the first issue. Elitehost was simply not willing to be abused to let criminals target the public. Their approach was a Zero Abuse Policy as became clear later.

Over time this relationship grew. It’s heartening to see how Elitehost evolves their total approach as to ensure they are not a platform provider for parties targeting internet users in illegal or abusive acts. They are relying on quality clients, not quantity.

Without distracting from the rest of the South African providers, of which South Africa has many excellent providers, I personally believe Elitehost is a gold standard against which providers can be measured. This does not just happen, it is an ongoing process taking much dedication. Once again this is said from my extensive experience with hosting providers internationally.

ScamPup is Born

I had an idea of creating a cyber portal for consumers to address cyber fraud issues for South Africans consumers, a rapidly growing need.

Addressing cyber fraud issues needs special advice while securing evidence, handling and escalations. This needs to be founded against a solid information technology background. Not unlike unlike a physical crime, special attributes are required to react to cyber crime, but  totally different to physical crime.

Experience has shown that to be credible, you can only host on the best. Enter Elitehost.

I already had experienced Elitehost’s excellent service and also admired there approach on abuse issues. I mentioned the idea to Elitehost. Without hesitation they offered to host the platform. The rest is history and ScamPup was born.

ScamPup and and all those that have been assisted or will be assisted via the ScamPup platform, thanks Elitehost for their willingness to contribute in the effort to make South Africa a bit more cyber safe and aware.
